Poteskeet Indians

As we all know, there were quite a number of Indians settled along the East Coast at the time that a number of Europeans launched business ventures to form new colonies. The map below shows a number of the Indian tribal groups along the Eastern edge of Northern North Carolina, including the area if the Outer Banks.

PoteskeetAlgonkinMap2 The larger grouping of Indians in the area north of the Albemarle Sound was the Weapemeoc Indians (also known as the Yeopim). The Weapemeoc consisted of a few subgroups, one of which was the Poteskeet Indians who lived on both sides of the Currituck Sound. The short write up below provides some more information, along with a drawing of an Indian settlement.


Please check out the two links further below. The first is a short write up about the Yeopim Indians and the second is a complete website for the remaining group of  the Tuscarora Nation along with the Yeopim Indians. It is a very complete website with a lot of culture and history, but it is also very personal, relating to the actual people and their lives today.

Yeopim Indians

Hope you have enjoyed learning about our original settlers.